
Rimon is dedicated to the Jewish Experience. It is a place to learn about Judaism, experience it, and debate it. No matter what a person’s background, Rimon is a place where one can ask, study, and feel at home.

All of our teachers–those from Yeshiva and those we have picked from the larger community of Jewish educators–come together to represent a plurality of backgrounds, religious viewpoints, teaching styles, and lives. And our visitors, neighbors, students, donors, and friends will all help make us what we hope to be: a family, an oasis, and a bridge between the traditional and contemporary worlds.

Donate to Rimon

All gifts to Rimon are tax deductible. Gifts may be made in memory or in honor of a loved one or special occasion.


Make a Donation

To make a tax deductible donation through PayPal or Credit Card –

 Questions –  call 609 651 2276
or email – livia@rimoncenter.org

To mail a gift, please make your gifts out to:
Rimon (or) the Mordecai T. Mezrich Center of Jewish Learning  ~  483 Dutch Neck Rd ~ East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.

All gifts to Rimon (the Mordecai T. Mezrich Center for Jewish Learning) are tax deductible.

We are a 501(c)3. Our Federal ID # is 050529232

Shop at Amazon Smile to help Rimon: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/05-0529232