
Rimon is dedicated to the Jewish Experience. It is a place to learn about Judaism, experience it, and debate it. No matter what a person’s background, Rimon is a place where one can ask, study, and feel at home.

All of our teachers–those from Yeshiva and those we have picked from the larger community of Jewish educators–come together to represent a plurality of backgrounds, religious viewpoints, teaching styles, and lives. And our visitors, neighbors, students, donors, and friends will all help make us what we hope to be: a family, an oasis, and a bridge between the traditional and contemporary worlds.

Donate to Rimon

All gifts to Rimon are tax deductible. Gifts may be made in memory or in honor of a loved one or special occasion.


‘Cholent and learn’

Our ‘cholent and learn’ classes meet twice a month after Shabbat morning Services. Join us for exciting, text based discussions (accessible to participants of all levels)  while enjoying good company,  hot cholent and  a sumptuous kiddush. 

 **Feel free to come to classes ONLY **

  • October 20,  11:45 am – 12:45 pm – A continuation of our popular Prophet Series With Cantor Yair Shahak   ” Holy, Holy, Holy! The life and message of Isaiah – part 1″
  • November 2,  11:45 am – 12:45 pm “Prophet Series …continued ” with Cantor Yair Shahak
  • November 17, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm “Secular Holidays in Jewish Law” with Rabbi Cary Friedman. Sometimes we forget that we live in Galut / Exile, but the holiday seasons remind us dramatically that we are strangers in a foreign land. Can a Jew go “trick or treat”-ing on Halloween, eat turkey on Thanksgiving, attend holiday parties in December, sing Auld Lang Syne on New Year’s Eve, or send Valentines cards? We will consider a number of secular holidays in the light of Jewish law.
  • December 22, 11:45 am  – 12:45 pm “Eric Hoffer and the Jews” with Rabbi Cary  Friedman. We will consider the life and thought of the “Longshoreman Philosopher” and study a sample of his prescient and profound insights into the Jewish people and the unique role they play on the world stage.







