Sponsorship Opportunities
Yearly Sponsorship Opportunities at Rimon
All donations may be made in memory or in honor of loved ones.
$10,800 Sponsor a yearly Torah class
$7,200 Sponsor one year of the Rimon Teen Learning Initiative
$5000 Sponsor Outdoor Education program for Teens $3,600- Sponsor a yearlong children’s program for parents & pre schoolers
- Sponsor a once a month teen education program , monthly beit Midrash for teens, special havdallah programs for teens,
- Sponsor a Special Women’s Day of Learning (a Yom Iyun)
- Sponsor an inclusion Shabbat for people with Special Needs
- Sponsor our Torah Tours college students for Succoth, Simchat Torah, or Shavuot
- Sponsor A Bnei Akiva Event or other Israel advocacy program for Teens
- $1800
- Sponsor an Evening of Music with Diana Tsaliovich
- Sponsor a Jewish/Israeli Film Series
- Sponsor a Family Chanukah Program
- Sponsor our Annual Succoth Fest
- Sponsor Simchat Torah with Torah Tours
- Sponsor one Family Shabbaton
- Sponsor our Purim megilla reading & Purim Shabbaton
- Sponsor our Shabbat house for scholars in residence , guests, and staff for one month
- Sponsor one Shabbat at Rimon
- Sponsor a Night of Learning’ tikun leil Shavuot’ with Torah Tours
- Sponsor a Guest Speaker at Rimon
- Sponsor an evening of Jewish music at Rimon with a professional musician
- Sponsor our website (www.rimoncenter.org) for the year
- Sponsor a Holocaust Program at Rimon
- Become a Facebook sponsor for the year
- Sponsor and /or host one Salon with a scholar in residence
- Sponsor one issue of our Newsletter
- Sponsor a Hebrew Reading Class for beginners
- Provide a Scholarship for one Teen for our Rimon Teen Learning Initiative
- Sponsor one P.O.R.K. (Parents of Religious Kids) session with a social worker
- Sponsor one children’s program on Shabbat
- Sponsor one evening Beit midrash House of Study with talks & chevrutah (one- on- one learning )
$240 Sponsor one Torah class @ Rimon
$180 Sponsor a Kiddush for Shabbat
- Sponsor one Torah Tours college student for Sukkot, Simcaht Torah , Shavuot or Shabbat.
- Hachnassat Orchim Sponsorship – don’t like to entertain but want to invite a guest for Shabbat? Become a hachnassat orchim sponsor and sponsor a guest and/or a staff member at our Rimon Shabbat
- Sponsor our website for a month .
Rimon is a 501c3
All donations can be made in memory or in honor of a loved one, and are fully tax deductible.
Company matching donations accepted.