Beit Midrash – House of Study
Beit Midrash (“House of Study”)Some of our classes introduce basic skills; others open up new vistas to the heart and mind. All of our classes, study sessions and special events combine new and old, sacred and worldly, simple and complex.
In our Open Beit Midrash, which is an integral part of our Young Scholars Program , students can experience traditional, one-on-one “chevruta” learning, a study tradition that goes back thousands of years.
Our group classes in Talmud, Bible, philosophy, and history allow students from all backgrounds to feel both enlightened and welcome.
Our plans for the future include a library which will house books on all aspects of Judaism; a Distance Learning Center so that we can have access to teachers from around the world; and a Coffee House where visitors will hear a talk, listen to music, and debate what’s on their minds, all while enjoying a double shot of espresso.
The Beit Midrash will be more than just classes: it will be tradition with adventure.